Better product decisions with Panash

We help companies take better decisions by placing users at the ❤️ of every conversation.

Building impactful products is hard,
stop relying only on intuitions.

Through product discovery, we help you reduce the distance between your daily product decisions and your users' circumstances and struggles.
We empower businesses to make decisions that move the world forward.

3 ways we can help

Get the confidence you need to unlock decision-making in your organisation with our services.

Discovery sprints

Get answers to your problems with a time-boxed, framed discovery activity that delivers insights and opportunities that will truly impact your bottom-line.

Basically, all the evidence you need for proper decision-making.

See how we do it

Continuous discovery

Set up new ways of working, empower your teams in making decisions that are anchored in evidence.

No more guess work: we help your team level-up in continuous discovery practices with a bespoke framework starting at their current maturity.

Want to know more?

Training & coaching

Lack of methodology, processes and workflows are not the only reasons your teams might be struggling. Employee retention is more important than ever.

Confidence is key: through Panash Academy, we help your team upskill and grow, empowering them in their craft.

Get learning!
Lantern case study
Lantern logo

Shedding light on impactful insights for product teams

4 weeks to truly understand how to unlock opportunities for product teams in their use of analytics tools.
Read the full case study
Evaneos case study
Evaneos logo

A journey to continuous discovery

5 weeks to redefine how the product team operates, with a shift towards a discovery-first mindset. By now, you know that COVID has been particularly harsh for operators in the travel industry. Unfortunately, Evaneos ...
Read the full case study
Agicap case study
Agicap logo

Scaling User Research practices through product team training

5 training sessions to get the team going on user research and discovery activities.
Read the full use case
Our expectations were extremely high, but we were not disappointed! We should have done this work a year and a half ago. Thank you for the quality of work.
Caroline Ramada - CEO @ 50inTech
We were really impressed by the quality of insights, opportunities and recommendations Panash was able to produce. It was precisely what we were looking for.
Bastien Beurier - Co-founder @ Lantern
The work Panash has accomplished triggered a wave of motivation to learn, improve and structure our product practice. This really helped bring the team together.
Audrey Poulet - Head of Product @ Evaneos
In only 5 sessions, we’ve gained a clear understanding of the type of discovery activities we can lead and how to apply them in our day-to-day work.
Marine - Lead PM @ Agicap

Check out our top notch content on product

Product with Panash podcast

Product with Panash

Product with Panash is where we explore new perspectives and practices in enabling product decisioning in companies through user/human-centered design and research.
Discover product with Panash !
Quote podcast
The first french podcast dedicated to User Research
Listen to quote
Product Squad podcast
Product squad
Product Squad is a community and podcast with over 25k unique listeners.
Listen to product squad

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